
TIP31C NPN Transistor

Transistor Specification:

  1. Collector Base Voltage : 100V
  2. Collector Emitter Voltage : 100V
  3. Emitter Base Voltage : 5V
  4. Collector Current : 3A
  5. Base current : 1A
  6. Temperature : 65°C~150°C
  7. Mounting Type : Through Hole
  8. Number of Pins : 3
  9. Package : TO-220

18.64 GST Excluding

SKU: SRK-001074Categories: Transistor

Additional Information

The TIP31C is a three layer NPN device within the working range, the collector current IC is a function of the base current IB, a change in the base current giving a corresponding amplified change in the collector current for a given collector emitter voltage VCE.

Package Includes:

1 x TIP31C NPN Transistor

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